Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cheers to new beginnings

Welcome Lovlies!

Phew, well the time has come and I am finally getting around to my very first post! I have been more than anxious and excited to start this journey and believe me without that help of some oh so wonderful gals and a very patient significant other...this wouldn't have been possible!

For those who don't know me, my name is Mandy Nicole. I am from small town Iowa..that's right...Iowa (go Hawks). My love for fashion started at a very young age where you could find me strutting around in my moms high heels and borrowing (more like losing) my moms favorite lipstick. I was definitely a girly girl. However, growing up you could say my taste varied. I tried new trends, some worked...others not so much..but that's truly what I love about fashion you can mix and match your style to taste. A lot like those days, I will be expressing my love and style with you lovely followers! I can't say I am an expert, but I can assure you to this day, I find dressing up, trying new things to be fun. Who doesn't?

                                      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon!

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