Pictures by: Tess Ware & Lay Marie
{Outfit details below}
Let me start off by first sharing this entire week has been nothing short of hectic! Super moms, dads, blogger babes, business bosses, here is a shout out for all you fabulous people! #kuddos.
I feel like I have a weeks where I'm incredibly motivated {two jobs} and all...but then I have these weeks were I'm a complete #SLACKER.
There are so many upsides to sharing your life and style through a blog, but I do know consistency is key and that isn't always easy!
So, with that negativity out of the way #aintnobodygottime ;) are some goals I'm putting to the test and with success shall come rewards... {right}?
1. Post more, stress less: Where are all my perfectionist at?! I'm all about great content and sometimes I can be my worse critic. I find my realist know the effortless ones, are the best liked. Real is good, always.
2. Compliment, don't compare: Guilty! There's nothing more I love than complimenting others. I find happiness in others success, but I would be lying if I didn't say I haven't perfected the whole "don't compare." So, less comparing more complimented...even if that means myself ;)
3. Less lists, more time blocking: I don't do well with at all! I'm notorious for "a few fries can't hurt, right?" Then follows ice cream.....then.... {you know where I'm going with this}. I feel like lists are a great for "Get as much done as you possibly can" and not "this is how much time you have for this task..." so forth. Nap times are still allowable....always!
FYI: All items are under $100....I mean!
Thanks for stopping by!
XOXO | Mandy Nicole
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